List of the Top 15 Most Powerful Overlord Characters

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All sorts of supernaturally potent beings, from angels and demons to monsters and demi-humans, vampires and dragons, populate Overlord.

The Overlord series is based on the role-playing game Yggdrasil, which features both playable and non-playable figures from Norse mythology. The series is based on a light book, and these characters have histories and mythology that shed some insight on how they came to be the insanely powerful people they are in Yggdrasil.

This list will rank the 15 strongest characters in Overlord, including New World and World Enemy characters together. Go, then!

  1. Lupusregina Beta
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Lupusregina Beta is a cleric who employs healing spells in combat. The scales in her favor are rather even. She possesses the strongest physical defense and stamina among the Pleiades, and the highest total numbers. Lupusregina has a sensitivity to silver and related metals but resistance to others. Damage from silver weapons would rise by 25, while damage from other metals would decrease by 10.

When the final damage is determined after factors like defensive strength are subtracted, even a silver weapon will deal no damage if the final damage number is zero. Ainz’s ability to detect and locate targets concealed by magic was exposed during her fake combat against a Lupusregina double.

  1. Narberal Gamma
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When it comes to the Pleiades, Narberal has the highest level (63), since she is the only one of the group who is both an arcane lineage mage and an elementalist of the Air attribute, with a focus on lightning. Though she has some defensive spells in her arsenal, her magic is mostly attacking.

Narberal is also proficient in a few spirit lineage spells, such as Human’s Spell>, however their power is limited by the fact that she is an arcane lineage mage rather than a spirit lineage mage. Thanks to the Doppelgängers’ ability to shapeshift, Narberal is able to assume a human appearance. As a Level 1 creature, she can only undergo one metamorphosis. Her doppelganger’s initial look was quite reminiscent of Pandora’s Actor. However, it is not as dynamic as the latter since it undergoes only a single transition.

  1. Aura Bella Fiora
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Aura is an expert in guerilla warfare and collective battle thanks to her training as a scoutmaster and master of beasts. While her single-combat prowess is second-to-last among Floor Guardians, she more than makes up for it with her massive pet collection. It makes sense that she is a fighter with the ability to control animals.

Aura may call forth hundreds of monsters, the greatest level of which is level 80. Thankfully, with Aura’s skills, they can easily level up to the high 90s. Some Area Guardians are more powerful than Aura depending on her specific skills, even though her combat strength is second-to-last among the Floor Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

This is due to the fact that she is not at her best while operating solo. Instead, Aura and the monsters she mostly commanded became experts at working together and thinking strategically. Having these monsters at her disposal gives her superior group fighting powers than any other Guardian.

  1. Demiurge
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Despite his reputation as one of the weaker Floor Guardians, Demiurge is actually rather powerful and has a mind so brilliant that only Albedo and Pandora’s Actor in all of Nazarick can compete with him. Demiurge is likewise unaffected by the element of fire. It appears that he possesses adaptable skills that allow him to counter threats in a variety of ways.

He was able to keep up with Momon’s superhuman speed when fighting as Jaldabaoth. This meant that not even Evileye’s natural reflexes could keep up with Momon’s velocity. His strength impressed him more than that of the Evil Deities or the Demon King. This led him to mistake himself for the Demon God King, the embodiment of all demons.

He said that a creature of his stature should be on par with the Platinum Dragon Lord. He can’t tell which one is stronger because they’re both beyond his comprehension. However, Demiurge’s spellcasting abilities were severely limited. In addition, he can only cast two spells of level ten at a time.

Demiurge’s ultimate power, however, was not in his possessions, but in his talents. Demiurge might utilize one of his powers to call forth a legion of demons to serve as his sacrificial proxies. Demiurge may also call out greater demons, albeit in smaller numbers, than those he used here.

  1. Platinum Dragon Lord
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His fellow Thirteen Hero, Rigrit Bers Kauraru, thinks he’s the strongest person alive. With all the treasures the Eight Greed Kings left behind in their floating fortress, Platinum Dragon Lord has the potential to be one of the most powerful Dragon Lords alive today.

Even Evileye couldn’t determine who was stronger between the Platinum Dragon Lord and Jaldabaoth, so strong did she consider Jaldabaoth to be. Since Evileye cannot fathom the depths to which they can tap, this problem has yet to be overcome. Being a Dragon Lord among other Dragon Lords gives him superior perception to common dragons.

It would take someone with excellent skills in infiltration or concealment to sneak up on him unnoticed. He had lived a long life, yet there were only a handful of individuals he knew who could actually pull off such a feat and appreciate it.

He included fellow Dragon Lords, assassin Izaniya, and Thirteen Heroes necromancer Rigrit among his peers. Draudillon’s grandpa claims that the Platinum Dragon Lord has an undiscovered wild-magic ultimate assault, although whether or not this is true remains to be seen.

  1. Zesshi Zetsumei
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Zesshi is a prominent figure in the New World due to his status as the strongest Extra Seat in the Black Scripture and his background as an interracial kid born against all odds. In addition, she is literally a walking relic of the Six Great Gods. Since the Captain has faced Zesshi and Shalltear previously, he thinks the vampire would have the upper hand in a direct confrontation.

Nonetheless, the Captain of the Black Scripture foresaw many scenarios in which Zesshi will triumph over Shalltear (unarmed). Zesshi has several tools at her disposal, including the weapons and armor of the Six Great Gods. According to previous 3rd Seat of the Black Scripture Raymond Zarg Lauransan, Zesshi Zetsumei is one of the two Kin of God who should be able to handle an army of Death Knights and Soul Eaters.

Clementine claims that, without the aid of the “Perfect Warrior” spell, Ainz’s physical prowess is second only to Zesshi’s. Clementine thinks the most terrifying creature in the Black Scripture is like Zesshi. She calls Zesshi a “ancient beast” that is greater than the concept of the force and beyond the ken of humans.

Even the country’s highest officials didn’t want word of Zesshi’s special skills spreading to the masses. The Black Scripture Captain and Clementine are the only ones who have seen her actual strength. Moreover, among the top 10 talents on the continent, she possesses the greatest.

  1. Mare Bello Fiore
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Mare usually uses charms to aid her comrades or to exert influence over the elements. Sebas, however, pointed out that Mare’s strength may rival that of Shalltear and even come out on top. Furthermore, Mare’s known approximate numbers in both the physical and magical domains are about equal.

  1. Gargantua
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“The strongest guardian except for Gargantua” is how Shalltear Bloodfallen, the Guardian of Levels 1, 2, and 3, is often described. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Gargantua is much more formidable. However, comparing Gargantua to anything is pointless because he lacks both will and intelligence. It is unknown whether Gargantua’s stats are higher than those of guardians of any other rank.

  1. Cocytus
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Cocytus is Nazarick’s weapons master, and he can use any of his 21 weapons with ease thanks to his extra limbs. As the Guardian of the Fifth Floor, he possesses considerable authority. Because of his profession, he also has some influence on frozen substances. His talent also includes the capacity to sense when the focus of another person’s attention is on him.

Cocytus, meanwhile, may fortify his exoskeleton—which doubles as his armor—by training and using data crystals. On top of that, he was immune to flames. Cocytus’s armored body is convenient since it allows him to repair himself whenever his health is restored, eliminating the need to constantly replace worn or broken pieces of gear.

This squad has a much higher survival rate than average and is able to deliver significant boosts to Cocytus. The drawback, though, is equally plain to see. The toughness, resistance, and other attributes of his exoskeleton are subpar in comparison to those of player equipment of a comparable level. It’s quite unlikely that Cocytus’ level 100 armored body could ever achieve god level gear numbers.

  1. Sebas Tian
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Sebas Tian is a skilled practitioner of empty-hand fighting. In his actual form (Dragon), he is much more powerful than Albedo and Cocytus, two of Nazarick’s four greatest warrior classes. Although he lacks true magical powers, he can use Ki to cure an injured person.

Sebas’s superior physical prowess allowed him to show off his superhuman strength in comparison to New World natives. In less than a second, he blocked three poison daggers from assassins. He put his hands in between the door’s hinges during the brothel raid and pried it off. Sebas withstood an attack from Zero of the Six Arms with ease, thanks to his great Physical Defense, Magic Defense, and Resistance.

  1. Pandora’s Actor
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In the anime Overlord, Pandora’s Actor is a fascinating figure. Ainz Ooal Gown made him to be the Area Guardian and Financial Manager of Nazarick’s Treasury. His chameleonic form can imitate the powers and weaponry of the 41 Supreme Beings at 80% strength.

He’s amusing and important thanks to the contrast between his showy, theatrical demeanor and his strategic importance. Ainz’s unshakeable allegiance to him and his commitment to Nazarick’s prosperity make him an indispensable part of this complex and imaginative universe, despite his eccentric behavior.

  1. Shalltear Bloodfallen
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Outside of Gargantua, Shalltear is widely regarded as Nazarick’s strongest Floor Guardian. She possesses superior all-around talents and can outlast them all in a fight because to her great resilience. Ainz personally made note of the fact that her status as a divine magic wielder had been verified. However, her god has nothing in common with the one worshiped by Christians. Because of her specialized training, she is also a formidable opponent to any Magic Wizard.

However, Shalltear’s resistance to magic is dependent on the capabilities and levels of her foe. A great mage like Ainz could only be stopped by spells of the first level, but even a poor mage’s tenth level spell would fail to penetrate her defenses. He thinks Shalltear is the finest hand-to-hand combatant and a game-changer versus a formidable foe.

  1. Rubedo
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As the most powerful NPC in Nazarick, Rubedo is capable of defeating Ainz Ooal Gown while fully equipped and is even more powerful than Touch Me. In addition to being the most powerful of the four close combat expert NPCs (the others being Cocytus, Albedo, and Sebas Tian), Rubedo is also one of them. Before they could beat Rubedo, Ainz had her deliver a World Item to “Them” on the eighth floor.

  1. Albedo
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When compared to other NPCs in Nazarick, Albedo’s defenses are the strongest. She can also absorb a Super Level Magic spell without being hurt, which is her greatest strength. However, there is a restriction on this capability, as it can only be used three times per day. If Albedo takes enough damage, she will reveal her real nature and absorb the broken pieces of armor to harden her own flesh.

  1. Ainz Ooal Gown
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Overlord centers on Ainz Ooal Gown. After the servers of a popular MMO crash, the player who once inhabited the game’s avatar—a powerful skeletal mage—is transported to a new reality.

Now in control of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, he uses his strategic acumen to lead his followers in this brave new world. Ainz, despite his intimidating demeanor, is moral and shows concern for his employees. His nuance and strategic acuity set him apart as a memorable protagonist.

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